I have had several sweet ladies reach out to me and ask me questions about blogging. I am truly flattered. And while I am, by no means, an expert, I am happy to pass on the tidbits of advice that have been shared with me.
1. Be true to yourself! This sounds cliche, but it is so true! When you are authentic in your posts and share your personality, your engagements in your post increase.
2. Invest in yourself! If you are just doing your page for fun and not looking to make a considerable income, you can skip this step. However, if you are interested in increasing your following and income, be willing to invest in advertising on Facebook (or whatever platform).
3. Invite your friends to like your page. While not all, in fact, not even most, will like your page, that first small amount of followers can come from your personal friends.
4. Don’t be afraid to reach out to bigger bloggers. When I first started in May of this year, I reached out to several bloggers I enjoyed following. Not all of them responded with help, but several of them did! When you get to know a bigger blogger’s likes, find things that they would be interested in and let them know when something they have on their page goes on sale. Sometimes, they may even tag you in a post which will help increase your page likes too!
You can’t make everyone happy! I get comments on posts all the time! And while most are so sweet (THANK YOU!!), some are not! I see the same thing you do when I order an item. I can’t see how much stock an item as. So when I post something I love, and it ends up being sold out, I am sad too, but have no way of knowing ahead of time.
I also wear a variety of items that have a huge range in price. Some items are worth investing in (in my opinion) and others are not. I often get comments that say “that is just too expensive” or “I wouldn’t pay that much money for ____”. And that is great! You don’t have to! But I will remain true to myself!
I cannot express how much joy this whole blogging thing has brought me! I am touched by your stories that connect to mine, encouraged by your sweet comments, and excited to see what the future brings. I am so grateful to have you following along on this crazy journey with me!