1. A gift card to go out to eat – Like all working moms (and dads), we are tired too when we get home! It sure is a treat to not have to cook when we get home!
2. A gift card to Starbucks – For this past Christmas, I gave Henry’s special teachers a travel mug with a Starbucks’ gift card. Attached to the mug, I made a little sign that said “Thanks a Latte for all you do!” Check out some free Thanks a Latte printables here & here!
3. A gift certificate for a massage – We bend down A LOT during the day and are constantly up and down! If most teachers are like me, they have sore shoulders and necks!
4. Flowers – This is a beautiful and inexpensive way to show your child’s teacher how loved they are! One year, I even got a potted plant at the end of the year. Inside the dirt was a ruler holding a sign that said, “Thanks for helping me GROW this year!” Was so sweet!
5. Mani/Pedi gifts – Last year for Henry and Lucy’s specials teachers, we gave them a fun color of nail polish, a nail file, and a Starbucks gift card. We attached a note that said “MANI thanks for all you do!” You can get the free printable here — Mani Thanks .

6. You are TOTE-ally Amazing – This year, for the kids’ teachers, I picked up these adorable totes for an end of the year gift! You can buy any inexpensive tote and fill it with some of their favorite things – gift cards, candy, a tumbler, etc. You can get the free printable for this tote here – You are Tote-ally Amazing.
7. A Kind Note – I know, this sounds so simple right?? Well, never underestimate the power of kindness! I (along with most teachers I know) keep a file in my desk labeled “Kind Notes”. When I get a kind note from a parent or student I slide it in there. You see, some days are not good. And sometimes, we need that little boost of kindness to help get us through.
So here’s the bottom line! Get to know the wonderful person your child spends so much time with! But big or small, it truly doesn’t matter. The saying is true. It really is the thought that counts.