Last year was a very tough year for me! While blogging sounds like rainbows and unicorns and Starbucks and selfies, it is really a ton of work. Last year, I was working 40+ hours a week teaching and then coming home and working 40+ hours a week blogging. I was stretching myself too thin and it was starting to show in more places than one. I went to my bi-annual dentist appointment, and my hygienist told me that I had a very small amount of gingivitis! WHAT?! Ugh! I normally get all perfect marks! She told me that this can be caused by stress and being in too much of a hurry when brushing my teeth. Ugh, again! Check and check! Stress and being in too much of a hurry were pretty much the themes of my life last year!
But let’s fast forward to this year! Somehow, God has blessed me enough to be able to take a year off from teaching and focus on the blog! I still pinch myself some days because it just seems so crazy! But here I am, living proof that if you work hard enough to pursuit your dreams, anything can happen!
I also recently started using an electric toothbrush by Smile Brilliant! This toothbrush has totally upped my oral hygiene game! My mouth gets a little massage every time I use it! I also love that it has several different settings depending on my needs! My teeth feel like I just left the dentist office EVERY…. SINGLE …. TIME I use this toothbrush! JP readers can take 30% off with JUSTPOSTEDBLOG30!!!!
And while I used to think that an electric toothbrush was way too fancy for my every day needs, I was totally wrong. My teeth have never felt better, and I am actually looking forward to the next dentist appointment to hear what my hygienist and dentist have to say! Still unsure? Here are some Frequently Asked Questions to help steer your in the right direction! Don’t forget to use code JUSTPOSTEDBLOG30 to take 30% off your purchase!
You can also enter to win a FREE toothbrush here!!!
So smile on because NOTHING you wear is as important as your smile!
*This post contains affiliate links.*
It is no secret that my love for pink runs deep! And over the past…
02 October, 2018I have been graduated from college for over 20 years, and it makes my heart…
02 October, 2018