This post was sponsored by Backcountry & ShopStyle.
Spring is here, and I wish I could tell you that in Indiana, I am walking around in shorts and a tee, but I count on layers from Backcountry to keep me warm and dry during the huge temperature swings and rainy days! And during their Spring Sale, you can save up to 30% on gear, apparel, and more! This is the perfect time to grab a few new items from some of my favorite outdoor brands – Backcountry, Stoic, Petzl, La Zsportiva, and Asolo! Not only do they have the best outdoor gear, they also have amazing athletic-wear and athleisure!
Briton and I love to go on hikes and long walks in the spring! The small town that we live in recently finished up the best walking path and bike path!!! And this North Face Resolve jacket in Pop Purple is perfect for our brisk walks in the spring! Not only is it waterproof, but it is also breathable and windproof! It also has a hood! It is perfect paired with your favorite pair of Free People black leggings and a black cap, but it would also be great with jeans!
Anyone else take their belt bag on every walk?! This Hershel Hip Pack is the perfect size for a long walk! It holds everything I need on a walk – including a water bottle!!! Plus, how cute is that inside?!
I have been hearing great things about On Cloud shoes, and these do not disappoint! The cushioned shoes are so comfortable and breathable! They definitely live up to their amazing reviews!
Fit Tip: Everything is true to size. Wearing a small in the tank, leggings, and jacket.
Shop it all here:
No matter what you are doing, Backcountry has got you covered! Their selection of outdoor gear is my absolute favorite! Use code JUSTPOSTED15 for 15% off your first order at (exclusions apply)! And during their Spring Sale, prices are up to 30% off!
Photos by April Hoff Photography.
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