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My Daily Routine

I have had so many questions lately about what I eat, what exercise program I do, and what a typical day looks like for me! And while every BODY is different, here is what has worked for me.

Seven Easy Breakfasts for Busy Mornings

School mornings are one of the most hectic parts of our days! Between someone complaining their shoes no longer fit, someone else forgetting to charge their computer overnight, someone leaving their water bottle at school, or someone not liking the way that particular piece of clothing feels on their body, mornings can be a crazy and frustrating! One of the ways I have found makes our days run smoother is by having easy breakfasts ready to go! I am sharing seven easy breakfasts for busy mornings – and most of them you can make ahead of time!

September Amazon Haul

From cozy sweater to great workout gear and cute dresses to perfect basics, Amazon has got you covered with some great pieces for fall! I am sharing all of my favorites and talking about the fit and feel of each piece in the video!

Easy Breakfasts – Delicious Blueberry Muffins

I don’t know about your family, but my family LOVES blueberry muffins! I have been trying new recipes for years, and I finally created one that mixes the best parts of each recipe I have tried! They were big winners at our house!

Easy Breakfasts – Cinnamon Roll Waffles

I gotta tell you! I made these for Henry and Lucy last week, and my “cool points” went through the roof! These cinnamon roll waffles were a huge hit and so easy to make!

Family Photo Looks with Zulily

This post was sponsored by Zulily and ShopStyle.

When summer comes to a close, many of you are starting to think about fall and family pictures! In fact, my inbox is always full of people requesting family looks for fall photos! Today on the blog, I am partnering with Zulily to share four family looks from head to toe to help family photos run a little smoother for you!

Decorating for Fall

When the temps dip below 70 for one day, I start to decorate for fall! Every year, I swear I won’t buy any more pumpkins! And every year, more and more cute pumpkins come out!!

Easy Breakfasts – Egg Cups

If you are like me, you are constantly in a hurry before school starts to get the kids out the door to be on time to school! I have been making a few things head of time this year to help our mornings run smoother! Lucy and her friend were the chefs for these make-ahead egg cups! They had a ball making them!

Easy Breakfasts – Homemade Granola

Now that the school has started (or will start soon) for most of us, it’s time for some easy breakfasts that you can make ahead of time to make your mornings run smoother! Over the years, I have finally perfected this granola! I have tried several recipes and finally mixed them together to make one my family LOVES! We even have it for desserts some nights!

9 Pieces to Wear All Year Long

I don’t know about you, but I love a great versatile piece! On the blog today, I am sharing nine simple pieces that you can wear all year long just by adding a few pieces!

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