I have been getting so many messages lately asking about my sister, so I thought I would write this post with all of the latest updates.
But before I can get into all of the updates, I just have to thank you guys for everything that you have done for our family. The prayers and the donations to Christa’s Go Fund Me page and her Venmo account have truly blown our family away. As the money kept coming in, we all wept. I will never truly be able to thank you guys enough. I know that God always has a plan (that is sometimes unclear to us). I never imagined the community that would be built with “Just Posted” would aid in saving my sister’s life. I am so, so grateful and humbled.
And now onto the updates….
When my sister was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer just a little over a month ago, it definitely rocked our worlds. You can read the initial blog post here. I honestly started this blog post earlier this week with plans to tell you that, with your help, we raised enough money for Christa to go to Hope4Cancer to start treatments, and that I would be traveling with her. We were scheduled to leave on Monday, June 8. We felt at peace with this decision and were blown away that God had provided the funds needed to go.
And then Monday, June 1 came, and our plans changed.
On Mondays, my sister comes to my house in the morning with her daughter, Jada (6). They spend the night and stay until Tuesday evening. I help take care of Christa so that my BIL, Shaka, can work and rest. He is an absolute rockstar and taking such good care of Christa. When Christa got to my house Monday, she complained that her legs were hurting, and she was afraid that she might have a blood clot. She was wearing compression socks, but I was very worried.
Before she left on Tuesday evening, I told her that she really needed to go to the doctor to have her legs checked out because flying with a blood clot (or really doing anything with a blood clot) can be dangerous. Wednesday morning, she had an appointment with her family doctor. Her family doctor thought it was possible that she had inflammation in her veins, but she wanted an ultrasound just to make sure. After the ultrasound, it was discovered that Christa did indeed have blood clots down both legs. She was put on a blood thinner and compression socks. But, we were so thankful because she was cleared to fly due to the blood thinner that would also help stabilize the clots.
Christa called Hope4Cancer to tell them of the latest news. And after talking with them, we learned that she would not be able to get treatments starting Monday due to the instability of the blood clots. She would have to wait 10-12 weeks for the blood clots to thin and stabilize. So, in ten weeks, Christa will get another ultrasound to check the status of the blood clots.
It is not what we wanted to hear, but we know that sometimes our timing and God’s timing does not align. But God’s timing is perfect.
How can you pray?
How am I doing?
Many of you have reached out to say that you are praying for Christa and for me as well. Thank you. You have also asked how I am doing.
Well, that’s kind of a complicated answer. I know that God has a plan. And I also know that I need to trust Him and His plan. But it is so hard….
It is hard to see my sister so frail and weak.
It is hard to have a plan that keeps changing.
It is hard to have so many questions unanswered.
It is hard to live my “normal life” when I just feel so sad.
It is hard to leave my house because I know I will run into someone who will want to talk about Christa, and that makes me sad. But I do appreciate everyone asking and checking in.
It is hard to know that at any point in my day I may breakdown even though I know it is okay.
It is hard to be strong.
I am reading the devotional book Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst. The other morning, I read the passage that talked about what to do when you are in a situation that seems impossible and may cause you to come unglued. One of the things that she suggested was to list things that you are thankful for.
While at a cookout with family and friends last night, our high school English teacher shared a verse with us that helps put things in perspective and keep our eyes on Jesus. Isaiah 60:22 “When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”
My prayer to God throughout this journey has been and continues to be, “I don’t understand, but I will trust You anyways.”
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