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10 Things I Learned from the Death of my Sister

If you have been following me for a while, you know that on October 13, my younger sister, Christa, passed away from cancer at the age of 35. Like many of you, 2020 has been the hardest year of my life. But as I look back on her life and death, God has taught me several things along the way. I have been thinking about writing this post for a while, but as I was doing my devotions this morning, I felt God telling me that today was the day.

My First Friend

On Tuesday, October 13, I lost my sister and first friend. And while my heart is broken and so sad, I am rejoicing that she is no longer in any pain and wrapped in the arms of Jesus.

My Daily Routine

I have had so many questions lately about what I eat, what exercise program I do, and what a typical day looks like for me! And while every BODY is different, here is what has worked for me.

Another Life Update

Truth be told, I have been putting off writing this post because sometimes, I just don’t know what to say. 2020 has been quite the year. I have had several people say to me, “Don’t you wish we could just fast forward to 2021?” But honestly, despite the amount of sorrow I have felt during 2020, it has also been a time that God is refining me and teaching me to lean on him more.

Back to School with Zulily

This post was sponsored by Zulily and ShopStyle.

Whether your kids are back in the school building, schooling from home, or doing a little of both, Zulily has some awesome choices to help make this school year easier! They have a great selection of tools to help your child be successful this year when you go back to school! I am sharing my favorites below! When you place an order with paid shipping (Friday-Saturday), it opens a window of free shipping on additional orders for the rest of the weekend. Once you’ve paid that first shipping charge, we’ll try to consolidate subsequent purchases into a single shipment, and we’ll give you the lowest-priced shipping option for free for all items ordered by 11:59pm PT on Sunday. See all the information here!

A Surprise for the Kids

Well, it’s my birthday, but we decided to surprise the kids with my gift!!

A Life Update

I am sharing a life update with you all and asking for your prayers.

My Top Show Recommendations – Kids

One of the things we have enjoyed during this slower time at home is watching some fun shows with the kids! It has been fun to relive our TGIF days! Here are a few shows that our family has been loving!

My Top Show Recommendations – Adults

With so many of us spending more time at home, I thought I would create a blog post with my top show recommendations! Over the years, here are a few shows that I have enjoyed watching by myself or with Briton!

What you really need to know about blogging!

When I started on this blogging about two and half years ago, I had no idea the journey it would take me on! You can read all about how I got started here! I get questions all the time about blogging! So I decided to do this post to answer any questions you may be wondering!

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