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With the new year in full force, I am sure that I am not alone in setting goals for the new year! One of my goals for the month of January was to go gluten, dairy, and sugar free for this month. Day 3 – I already failed! We had one last family Christmas and pizza was the main course! It was gluten free, but still contained cheese…. and I LOVE cheese!! Anyway…. back to goals! I jumped right back on the health train even though I failed one day! You see, that’s life! Just because you fail one day, doesn’t mean you should give up entirely.

How We Use Essential Oils

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We first started using dōTERRA oils a few years ago! Since then, they have become a HUGE part of our family’s daily routine. I have seen a huge improvement in our health since incorporating these. I will be the first to say that I am certainly no expert! Here are a few ways that we use them:

A Few Random Thoughts

I am about to explode all of my thoughts on blogging lately on this post! So sit back and enjoy (hopefully!!) my random thoughts!

Random Thought #1

If you are new to the page, you may not know that I am a first grade teacher! So while it may appear that I am present on Facebook throughout the entire day, I actually schedule my posts the night before to post throughout the day. And while I will reply to all of your comments and questions, it will not be until after 4:00 most days! I do treasure each response, seriously, so I will do my best to always get back to you!

Bridal Shower

My Struggle with Digestion

I’m getting real on the blog today and talking all about my struggle with digestion the past five years. Let me start by saying, I am by no means a medical professional. Talk to your doctor about anything you are struggling with in your digestion.

Why I decided to start a blog!

You may be wondering, why would a first grade teacher who is a mom of two want to start a fashion blog? Well, I believe that you should pursuit the things you love! And one of the many things I love is fashion and finding a good deal on it! So here is what I have learned so far in the short month I have been doing this!

Summer Reading

You guys, it’s almost summer!! Yay! I am getting my reading list ready! And I would love some great suggestions from you! Here are some of my favorite books that I have read! If you haven’t read these yet, pick them up to read this summer!! You won’t regret it! (Affiliate links used.)

Super Special Giveaway

I cannot believe we just hit 30K followers! It’s time for a super special giveaway! I’ve decided to giveaway ….. drumroll please ……. MY FAVORITE CARDIGAN! One lucky winner will get to choose their favorite style! Contest will end Wednesday, October 11. Winner will be announced Thursday, October 12!!

Lay out clothes for the week

I don’t know about you, but I can’t always think straight in the morning. And I certainly don’t move at a turbo speed either! That’s why the kids always help me lay out their clothes for the week! This helps the kids be independent in the morning. It also really helps things run smoothly!
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