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Everything You Need to Know About Disney+

This post sponsored by Disney+ and ShopStyle.

We recently got back from a fun trip to Walt Disney World! We surprised the kids with a trip, and since we got back, we have been hooked on all things Disney! We are so excited about the launch of Disney+ because we can watch over 500 movies and 7500 hours of television! I am excited to be partnering with Disney+  and am here to answer any questions you guys have about the service and share with you why we are loving it as a family!

Black Friday Deals

Black Friday deals have started early, and I have got all the sales rounded in one place! So knock out that Christmas shopping and stay in your pajamas!!

Living the Cozy Life with Bare Necessities

This post was sponsored by Bare Necessities & ShopStyle.

Okay, be honest! Who has already started watching Hallmark Christmas movies?! There is nothing I love more in the fall and winter than changing into my cozy nightshirts, making a cup of hot tea (you know I love my London Fogs!), and settling into bed to watch Christmas movies! If you would have told me twenty years ago that I would look forward to changing into a pair of pajamas rather than going out, I am not sure I would have believed you! But now, I can’t wait to settle into bed every night in my cozies! I am so excited to be partnering with Bare Necessities to bring you some comfortable and cozy options for fall and winter! You may never want to change into real clothes! Right now, during their sale, you can save 15% on so many great sleepwear items PLUS FREE 2-day shipping by using the code SWEETDREAMS!

November 6, 2010


November 6, 2010 will always be remembered as one of the best and scariest days of our lives. On this morning seven years ago, our sweet Henry made his debut! And while this day was certainly one of the happiest days of our lives, it was also one of the scariest.

In the beginning of December of 2009, Briton and I found out that we were pregnant with our first baby! We were beyond excited! When I had a miscarriage in the middle of January 2010, the grief was overwhelming.

7 Things You May Not Know About Me

With all the fabulous new followers on my Facebook page, I thought this would be a great opportunity for you to get to know me a little better!!

An Exciting Announcement

Well, it’s been one crazy year, and one that has exceeded my wildest dreams. You may remember reading my blog post that I wrote after one full year of blogging. I honestly had no idea how quickly things would take off, and I am so grateful.

A Mother’s Day Gift from Macy’s

Happy *ALMOST* Mother’s Day to all of you beautiful mamas out there! I would not be half the person I am without my mom! My mom is a pre-kindergarten teacher and definitely ignited my passion to become a teacher. She is incredibly patient, always willing to help, and one of the best people I know! I am so excited to be partnering with Macy’s to celebrate my mom and moms everywhere!

Three Ideas for Mother’s Day with JCPenney

With Mother’s Day right around the corner, I thought it would be a great time to talk about three great things you can do with your mom without spending a ton of money! While getting gifts is a great way to show your mom how much you love her, I argue, that spending time with her means even more! I am thrilled to be partnering with JCPenney to bring you three simple ideas to do with your mom to let her know how much you love her! But don’t worry, if you don’t live near your mom JCPenney has got a great choice of gifts you can send to your mom too! JCPenney offers a variety of high-quality, stylish pieces at great value.

One Year

The past few years of teaching have been incredibly challenging for me. I have had several problems with my thyroid and digestion. In the end of March of 2017, I read the book The Magnolia Story, and it literally changed my life. I don’t say that lightly. Throughout the entire book I read story after story of how Chip and Jo trusted God and some pretty incredible things happened. I remember when I got done reading the book, I got down on my knees.  When I was on my knees, I was praying and saying that I didn’t know what else I was even qualified to do. But I was trusting God to provide something for me that I could do for a job. I honestly didn’t know what it would be. But here’s what I did know – I am good with kids, and I am good at shopping!

Reality Check

Whoa! That’s a big, scary picture of me! But today was kind of a stinky day! And while sometimes social media only portrays things as perfect, I am here to tell you that not everything is perfect in my life.

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