This post was sponsored by Backcountry & ShopStyle.
Spring is here, and I wish I could tell you that in Indiana, I am walking around in shorts and a tee, but I count on layers from Backcountry to keep me warm and dry during the huge temperature swings and rainy days! And during their Spring Sale, you can save up to 30% on gear, apparel, and more! This is the perfect time to grab a few new items from some of my favorite outdoor brands – Backcountry, Stoic, Petzl, La Zsportiva, and Asolo! Not only do they have the best outdoor gear, they also have amazing athletic-wear and athleisure!
I found some super cute pieces from Kohl’s this month – including a few great tie dye pieces! There are a few pieces for now to wear from home and a few pieces for later too! You will earn $10 Kohl’s Cash for every $50 spent! Use code YOUSAVE20 to take 20% off your purchase and MOMSDAY10 to take $10 off a $50 purchase!
Working from home, working out, casual days…. I am sharing a few outfits from Old Navy for whatever you may be needing these days! Right now, everything is an additional 30% off when you add the items to your cart. You will also earn $10 Super Cash for every $25 spent.
This post was sponsored by JCPenney and ShopStyle.
With more and more of us working from home lately, comfortable clothes are becoming key! I am excited to be partnering with JCPenney to share my top pick to help you be comfortable and feel put together without breaking the bank. Use code SPRING44 to save even more off your purchase!
This post was sponsored by lululemon and ShopStyle.
Yes, life as we know it has changed for the moment. But if there is one thing I am unwilling to change, it’s my daily workouts! I am excited to be partnering with lululemon to share ten simple moves you can do at home to stay active. I love to work up a good sweat, but I want my workout clothes to stay dry! lululemon challenged me to try out their Everlux fabric to see if it would hold up during a workout! I am super impressed with the fabric – it dries quickly, is breathable, and is fully supportive.
This post was sponsored by Nordstrom and ShopStyle.
Raise your hand if you set some New Year’s resolutions this year! I told myself that I was going to cut back on sugar for the month of January to jumpstart my body from all the sugar I consumed over the holidays! But then my favorite macarons arrived on my doorstep! I failed my resolution just a few days in! But that is life! When you fail, you start again! Maybe you are feeling that way about your workouts! I am excited to be partnering with Nordstrom to bring you some new gear to help you get a great start to your new year! And their workout gear is my favorite!